2021-04-20 16:33:14 浏览数:0
山东威海,讲师 电子信箱wangcongpeng@qau.edu.cn
2019.5——至今 太阳集团www0638vom 讲师 2016.7——2019.3 中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所 博士后 2013.8——2016.6 北京林业大学 森林培育专业 博士 2010.8——2013.7 北京林业大学 植物学专业 硕士 2006.8——2010.7 东北林业大学 生物技术专业 学士 承担课程情况:《生物资源学》 研究方向:(1)植物非生物胁迫耐受性的机理研究;(2)能饲草盐碱地生态修复和青贮生产示范;(3)杨树茎发育的机理研究。 代表性成果:
1、Congpeng Wang, Yingzhen Kong, Ruibo Hu*, Gongke Zhou*. Miscanthus: A fast-growing crop for environmental remediation and biofuel production. Global Change Biology & Bioenergy, 2020. Accept. 2、Congpeng Wang, Guo He, Jie Meng, Shumin Wang, Yingzhen Kong, Jianxiong Jiang, Ruibo Hu*, Gongke Zhou*. Improved lignocellulose saccharification of a Miscanthus reddish stem mutant induced by heavy-ion irradiation. Global Change Biology & Bioenergy, 2020. Accept. 3、Yamei Zhuang, Congpeng Wang, Yang Zhang, Sihui Chen, Dian Wang, Qing Liu, Gongke Zhou*, Guohua Chai*. Overexpression of PdC3H17 confers tolerance to drought stress depending on its CCCH domain in Populus. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 10: 1748. 4、Kang He, Guo He, Congpeng Wang, Hongpeng Zhang, Yan Xu, Shumin Wang, Yingzhen Kong, Gongke Zhou*, Ruibo Hu*. Biochar amendment ameliorates soil properties and promotes Miscanthus growth in a coastal saline-alkali soil. Applied Soil Ecology, 2020, 155:103674. 5、Xianfeng Tang, Dian Wang, Yu Liu, Mengzhu Lu, Yamei Zhuang, Zhi Xie, Congpeng Wang, Shumin Wang, Yingzhen Kong, Guohua Chai*, Gongke Zhou*. Dual regulation of xylem formation by an auxin-mediated PaC3H17-PaMYB199 module in Populus. New Phytologist, 2020, 225:1545–1561. 6、王丛鹏, 唐贤丰,徐华,黄非,周功克,柴国华*. 杨树miRNA调控生长发育及逆境胁迫的研究进展. 植物生理学报, 2018,54(12). 7、Hua Xu, Changjiang Yu, Xinli Xia, Mingliang Li, Huiguang Li, Yu Wang, Shumin Wang, Congpeng Wang, Yubin Ma*, Gongke Zhou*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of duckweed (Landoltia punctate) in response to cadmium provides insights into molecular mechanisms underlying hyperaccumulation. Chemosphere, 2017, 190:154-165. 8、贾伏丽, 王丛鹏, 刘沙, 焦志银, 尹伟伦*, 夏新莉*. 外源BR与IAA对欧美杨耐旱性的影响. 北京林业大学学报, 2017, 39(7):31-39. 9、王丛鹏,贾伏丽,刘沙,刘超,夏新莉*,尹伟伦*.干旱对欧美杨气孔发育的影响. 北京林业大学学报,2016, 38(6):28-34. 10、Congpeng Wang, Sha Liu, Yan Dong, Ying Zhao, Anke Geng, Xinli Xia*, Weilun Yin*. PdEPF1 regulates water use efficiency and drought tolerance by modulating stomatal density in poplar. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2016, 14(3):849-860. 11、Sha Liu, Congpeng Wang, Fuli Jia, Yi An, Chao Liu, Xinli Xia* and Weilun Yin*. Secretory peptide PdEPF2 enhances drought tolerance by modulating stomatal density and regulates ABA response in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2016,125(3):419-431. 12、Ying Zhao, Haiying Liang, Lan Li, Sha Tang, Xiao Han, Congpeng Wang, Xinli Xia* and Weilun Yin*. Digital gene expression analysis of male and female bud transition in Metasequoia reveals high activity of MADS-box transcription factors and hormone-mediated sugar pathways. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6:647. 13、Yan Dong, Congpeng Wang, Xiao Han, Sha Tang, Sha Liu, Xinli Xia*, Weilun Yin*. A novel bHLH transcription factor PebHLH35 from Populus euphratica confers drought tolerance through regulating stomatal development, photosynthesis and growth in Arabidopsis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2014, 450(1):453-458. 14、李晓灿,王建华,王丛鹏,王绍洪,王雪丽,李永,迟德富*. 饲料对洋虫体内营养成分的影响。 中国农学通报,2010,26(8):49-51. 15、王建华,李晓灿,迟德富*,李永,王丛鹏,王绍洪,王雪丽,刘婉菁. 5种饲料对洋虫生长发育的影响。中国农学通报,2009,25(21):5-8. 主持项目: 1、国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金,31700526,杨树PdCDF2直接调控PdMYB199参 与木材形成的分子机制,2018/01-2020/12,22万元,已结题,主持 2、山东省自然科学基金委员会,博士基金,ZR2017BC078,杨树转录因子CDF2直接介导 MYB199基因调控木材形成的分子机制,2017/08-2019/12,10万元,已结题,主持 3、中国博士后科学基金委员会, 面上资助,2016M602206,杨树MYB199及上游调控因 子参与木材形成的分子机制,2016/08-2018/06,5万元,已结题,主持 |